Why Build This Site in HTML/CSS?

There are a number of reasons why one would publish a site via the most up to date web standards, i.e. using bootstrap, django, jekyll. But in all honesty given I’m working on other things, I wanted a site that would be simple and straight forward to maintain. A site that would allow me to link out to all my other platforms and share ideas as they come about.

Additionally, I’ve tried so many platforms as a base portfolio, and I’ve just gotten tired of having to pay just to host a website for my portfolio.

So I decided I would just create a site and host it on github. Create my own content management workflow that is built purely on html/css. In reality I think this gives me the oppoortunity to also sharpen my skills by maintaining a good working knowledge of basic syntax for web development.

So if you don’t like it… that’s not my problem. But I’ll continue to document my journey as I grow my businesses and projects.

Catch you in the next journal entry